Here are my recommendations for the best way to spend 1 hour of thought provoking professional development time this week. Click on the title of each event below to view the full description in our events calendar and to connect to their registration pages.


Why Big Data Techniques Matter (Supply Chain Insights)

June 15, 1pm ET

Most of the discussions on big data are focused in its application through analytics. This panel format webinar takes a step back to the beginning: you have to collect the right data in the right way so that the results and recommendations that come from it generate the desired results.


Contract Simplification: Crafting Simple Usable Contracts (IACCM)

June 16, 11am ET

As procurement stays involved longer into the contract lifecycle, the way we view contracts is changing. This webinar reminds us that no matter how much we’re trying to accomplish, less is still more. Join Helena Haapio, International Contract Counsel, Lexpert Ltd, Assistant Professor at the University of Vaasa, and IACCM Fellow, and Rob Waller the Executive Director of The Simplification Center to learn how to turn contracts into user-friendly tools that make it easier to do business.


Digital Reinvention for the Cognitive Era (HfS Research)

June 16, 11am ET

My first response to this webinar was to look up cognitive, and while I didn’t find any surprises in the definition, it is rewarding to think that we might have entered a phase where thinking is prized above either instinctive or emotional reactions. Since IBM is joining HfS for this webinar, we can probably expect a combination of compelling insights on artificial intelligence and robotic process automation (RPA).