By Kelly Barner on Tuesday, 04 July 2023
Category: Weekly Event Recommendations

July 17-28: Contracting Excellence, the Project Economy, Talent Procurement

As we pass through the dog days of summer and things slow down a bit, I’m combining two weeks’ worth of events here. Keep in mind that most event hosts will send a link to watch on demand even if you can’t attend the live event, so register anyway – and watch later!

If you are planning your procurement event schedule beyond this week, don’t forget to sign up for Categorypalooza, hosted by Art of Procurement. I’m already working with our guests and partners to build a robust set of sessions that lives up to the tradition associated with our annual summer festival!

And now for my recommendations… 

The ROI of Contracting Excellence (World Commerce & Contracting)

July 17, 10am

Here’s an interesting data point: In 2013, IACCM (now World Commerce & Contracting) found that average value leakage from poor contract management was 9.2%. In this webinar, they plan to reveal how much progress we have made by sharing the results of their 2023 report on "The ROI of Contracting Excellence."  Join Tim Cummins and Sally Guyer from WC&C and Craig Conte and Mark Ross from Deloitte for what promises to be an enlightening session!

Getting Projects Done Right (Harvard Business Review & Oracle)

July 25, 11am ET

Project management is HARD. And with most managers handling more than one ongoing project at a time, it is no wonder they struggle to get the visibility they need to make decisions and allocate resources effectively. Join project management expert Antonio Nieto-Rodriquez—author of the HBR Project Management Handbook – to learn simple frameworks to increase the likelihood of success for your next project.

AOP Event: A Deliberate Path to Success through Comprehensive Talent Procurement (Guidant Global)

July 27, 1pm ET

There are so many ways for companies to secure the talent mix they need, and the optimal balance is always changing. Procurement has a role to play in that, ensuring that the services procurement program meets the company’s needs and the needs of each stakeholder group. Join us as Brian Salkowski and Marie France from Guidant Global answer live questions about comprehensive talent procurement  based on real life success stories.