By Kelly Barner on Friday, 17 March 2023
Category: Weekly Event Recommendations

March 27 – 31: Global Op Models, Human Rights, Crucial Leadership Moments

Did you know that these weekly event recommendations are included in the Art of Procurement’s This Week in Procurement email? If you’re not already signed up, click here to join!

If you are planning your procurement event schedule beyond this week, I recommend ‘Market Insights: Negotiations in the business services and consulting industry’ from World Commerce & Contracting on April 3rd at 10am ET.

And now for this week’s recommendations… 

AOP Event: Rethink, Reflect, Reexamine: Strengthening Global Procurement Operating Models (Art of Procurement & ProcureAbility)

March 29th, 11am ET

How does your procurement operating model help or hinder you in your efforts to be agile and resilient in the face of supply chain disruption? That is what this event will try to answer. The three most common models are centralized, decentralized, and center-led, and each has advantages and disadvantages. Global organizations have to give special thought to how they will achieve the desired level of collaboration and control with the business through their operating model. Join me, Philip Ideson, and Jake Taylor, ProcureAbility’s Senior Director of Advisory for a live discussion with audience participation.

One step closer: Shared responsibility contracting for human rights (World Commerce & Contracting)

March 30th, 10am ET

When we think about human rights and the role that supply chains play in stamping them out, sourcing probably comes to mind first. But what about the role of contracts – can they make a difference as well? Sarah Dadush and Olivia Windham Stewart, co-founders of the Responsible Contracting Project, will share the what, why, and how of responsible contracting in this webinar.

How to Navigate Crucial Leadership Moments and Deliver Great Performance (Harvard Business Review)

March 30th, 11:30am ET

Leadership is always HARD. The challenge only grows when you layer on factors such as uncertainty, disruption, and a desire to outperform the competition. In this interactive HBR webinar, leadership coaching experts David Noble and Carol Kauffman, authors of the new book Real-Time Leadership, will share their advice and answer audience questions.