By Kelly Barner on Wednesday, 13 September 2023
Category: Weekly Event Recommendations

Sept 18 - 22: Resilience, Circularity, and Positive Work Environments

Did you know… the Buyers Meeting Point events calendar is color coded by event type? Red events are virtual and purple events are in person. Take a quick look at October’s schedule and it will quickly become clear that the procurement and supply chain conference scene is HOT this fall! 

If you are planning your event schedule ahead: the agenda for AOP Mastermind LIVE is starting to take shape. Learn more about our most visionary virtual event of the year and save your spot to join us on November 7th!

And now for this week’s recommendations… 

Driving Supply Chain Resilience and Agility with Next-Generation Supplier Risk Management (Zycus & Moody's Analytics)

September 20th at 9pm ET

Procurement acronyms containing the letter R can mean a lot of different things: request, relationship, and risk, to name a few. In this event, Ms. Qing Liu, Senior Director, Head of KYC, KYS and Data Specialists at Moody's Analytics, Tarkis Rann, Regional Sales Director at Zycus, and Ashish Naik, Senior Solutions Consultant at Zycus, will talk about how to turn relationships and risk management into supply resilience.

The art of fostering positive work environments (World Commerce & Contracting)

September 21st at 10am ET

Most of us have experienced at least one negative work environment during our career. It is certainly something that no one wants to do any longer than possible. This panel-based event will bring together five thought leaders who will share their perspectives on how companies can create positive work environments, even in the era of hybrid work. Speakers include Matthew Davis, Leeds University Business School, Penelope Tiffney, Lloyds Banking Group, Ruth Hynes, Atkins, Duncan Hurd, Avnet, and Emma Gritt, Leeds University Business School.

Why is circularity the future of Procurement? (Procurement Leaders & Ivalua)

September 21st at 10am ET

Add circularity to the many concepts and practices spreading from supply chain into procurement. In this event, Dr. Natacha Tréhan, Professor at Grenoble-Alpes University, and Jarrod McAdoo, Director of Product Marketing at Ivalua, will talk about why they think procurement is on the way to becoming a regenerative function.