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High Performance 3rd Party Management: Designed, Built and Implemented (SIG, Accenture)
Wednesday, November 11, 2015, 01:00pm - 02:00pm
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IG is pleased to partner with Mark Anthony Vita from Accenture’s Strategy Practice for an hour of open dialogue, and candid discussion on the topic of third party risk, performance and relationship management. We promise this will be a hot session so register early. Space is limited.

Throughout this Town Hall Teleconference, we intend to provide you with responses to your most pressing questions at a more operational level, and most importantly, backed by hands-on experiences and lessons learned. Discussion topics will include:

  • Third Parties: What exactly are these? Is this just another synonym for “suppliers”?
  • Program Architecture: What are the fundamental design principles? What are organizations typically most challenged by?
  • Operationalization: How do we effectively embed this into existing Source-to-Pay practices? How and what are leaders leveraging from a technology perspective to enable their programs?
  • Cracking the Value Code: What’s in it for the Enterprise besides a checkmark in the regulatory compliance box? Is there really anything else to it? What is the “Next Frontier”?

Mark Anthony has a wealth of experience advising on, standing-up and running complex enterprise-wide third party management programs on behalf of several of the world’s leading banking, insurance and asset management institutions…many of which are also SIG members like you! He also acts as the global co-lead for Accenture’s Digital Procurement community, an international network of thinkers focused on driving next-generation digitization and innovation throughout the source-to-pay process.

What is a Town Hall Teleconference?

A Town Hall is a lively discussion by way of conference call with a limited number of buy-side SIG members. These open-mic teleconferences offer a secure environment to benchmark with peers and ask candid questions related to the event topic. Open to SIG buy-side members on a first-come first-serve basis, these teleconferences are very interactive and packed with insightful concepts and immediately implementable ideas.We encourage you to discuss and share openly. The success of these calls is directly correlated to the interactivity of those participating.