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WEBINAR: New Impact Sourcing Models for the Future of CX (HfS Research)
Thursday, May 21, 2020, 11:00am - 12:00pm
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We are still just in the beginning stages of stabilization and understanding the impacts pandemic conditions will have on our businesses long-term, but two critical needs have emerged for all brands: the need to be virtually enabled and clear about our company values beyond revenue and profitability. We’re re-evaluating the way we work, engage with our customers, and how we support and better the communities around us. And what better time to re-examine a key pillar of our external interactions -- sourcing models?

By their very being, impact sourcing models show not just your social credentials but how can you maximize the benefits in such a way that the both the level of customer service and social influence exceeds expectations. Impact sourcing models such as Intuit’s Prosperity Hub, are doing good for the community and achieving outstanding business outcomes in tandem. Utilizing a handful of service providers including the CX knowledge of SYKES, Intuit launched its virtual prosperity hub with the goals of job creation and customer service excellence. 

In this webinar, we’ll hear all about the what, why and how of virtual hubs as a future sourcing model. Here are some of the critical questions we’ll answer:

• What are the benefits of virtual sourcing hubs and what makes them distinct?
• How do you build a similar model for your brand?
• How do you pivot to a virtual model?
• What lessons can we learn from Prosperity Hubs about the future of impact sourcing? 


Bala Venkataramanan, Director, Global Partner Management, Intuit

Todd McReynolds, SVP Client and Operations Management, Sykes

Melissa O'Brien, VP of Research, HFS