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WEBINAR: The State of Procurement Technology 2018: The Future is Now (Ardent Partners, Zycus)
Tuesday, January 30, 2018, 11:00am - 12:00pm
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Over the past decade, the value driven by Best-in-Class procurement departments has been significant and generally transformative; but a majority of procurement departments still struggle to execute efficiently and with precision, failing by significant degree to reach their potential. On the list of differentiators between the top performers and the laggards, the ability to use and drive value from technology investments sits near the top.

As more new and innovative business technologies continue to emerge, the threat of a widening gap in performance between Best-in-Class procurement teams and their peers is a new reality. The level and pace of change in the procurement technology marketplace demands that all procurement teams pay closer attention to it. This webinar can help procurement professionals do just that.

Join this webinar to:

  • Gain a full view of the latest technology trends, including an analysis of the current state of technology adoption.
  • Learn how technology can support procurement and its “team captain,” the CPO, in the drive towards agility and innovation
  • Understand the arc and impact of emerging solutions, like block chain, RPA and augmented reality
  • Gain insights on the overall direction of the supply management technology market in 2018 and beyond by use case studies

