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Industry Calendar

WEBINAR: The Quest for Supply Chain Resilience (Tradeshift)
Tuesday, June 18, 2019, 11:30am - 12:30pm
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The world is becoming turbulent faster than supply chains are becoming resilient.

The frequency of supply chain disruption events globally has increased year-over-year for the past 10 years. The reasons are varied; the explosion of data, climate change-related extreme weather, geopolitical conflict, cyber attacks, tariffs and governmental regulations--all creating challenges for supply chains. Unfortunately, traditional methods of managing supply chains are ineffective in mitigating the increasing level of volatility facing businesses today.

Supply chains are the lifeblood of any company, and supply chain performance issues are quick to impact margins. For organizations with global supply chains, the percentage of an organization’s total costs attributable to supply chain can reach 90%. Between 2015 and 2018 significant supply chain disruptions negatively impacted corporate earnings at an average rate of 24%.

In an increasingly turbulent world, supply chain resilience is the ultimate competitive advantage. In this webinar to learn about:

- Trends driving global supply chain disruptions
- Opportunities to automate supply chain risk management
- The benefit of digitally connecting with trading partners
- How AI is helping manage supply chain activities
- How the platform economy changes supply chain management
- The evolving role of supply chain leaders

