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WEBINAR: Calculating the Return on Digital Procurement (Procurement Insights, Zycus)
Thursday, June 27, 2019, 09:30am - 10:30am
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Digital transformation, digital reinvention, digital supply chain… regardless of the tag you assign to the technological evolution that is before us, one thing is clear: bridging the gap between digital’s promise and its realization remains elusive for the majority of organizations.

So how do you create a strategy to bridge the digital divide in your procurement practice and calculate a clear and measurable return on digital transformation of the supply chain? 

Joining Procurement Insights’ Jon Hansen on June 27th will be an international guest panel who will provide you with an unprecedented look into how digital will transform your procurement practice by focusing on the following three critical areas:

  • Identifying the best entry point for a digital strategy
  • Calculating the return on digital procurement
  • Achieving digital scalability

Engage in interactive discussions about the topic on Twitter using the hashtag #zycusdigital.

