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WEBINAR: Procuring A Purposeful Business: Through Supply Chain Sustainability Performance (Procurement Leaders, ecovadis)
Thursday, February 06, 2020, 11:00am - 12:00pm
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As consumers, legislators and investors increasingly look to corporate businesses to act more sustainably, CEOs and boards are responding with commitments – such as signing on to the UN Global Compact, the Business Round Table in the US, and reporting on their impact on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This presents both immense pressure, as well as an unprecedented opportunity for the procurement function. With the supply chain typically the biggest source of environmental and social impact for the modern business, procurement is seen as a function that can have perhaps the most significant and lasting effect on corporate sustainability, and long-term value creation. 

But despite growing recognition of procurement’s role in a sustainability strategy, how the function can best bring about change is a question that most teams still ask. How can procurement develop the right strategies, deploy the right tools, and integrate these new elements into their workflows? How can they demonstrate performance improvements across a diverse, geographically dispersed supply base? What new processes and ways of working must be implemented? And how can corporates work together to maximize their impact? 

During this webinar, our expert panel will explore these questions, as well as cover:

  • How to establish procurement’s role in a corporate sustainability strategy
  • Measuring and managing procurement’s sustainability work
  • Creating a more sustainable supply chain while still delivering financial returns to shareholders

