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WEBINAR: Implementing CLM for Automation, Data Quality & Compliance in Highly Regulated Industries (Apttus, IACCM)
Tuesday, June 23, 2020, 11:00am - 12:00pm
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Within regulated industries like Financial Services, rules and regulations are implemented at an incredible pace, making them more and more difficult to anticipate. COVID-19 further underscores the need for transparency, visibility, and online collaboration when dealing with any aspect of contract management.

Join this webinar to learn why Deutsche Bank affiliate DWS chose the Apttus Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM) solution. In addition to sharing how it is keeping pace with regulatory changes, DWS will dive into how they :

  1. Improved data and contract accessibility
  2. Automated labour-intensive tasks, increased efficiency, and reduced costs
  3. Increased transparency across departments through online collaboration
  4. Kept pace with the increased requirement to prove compliance with accurate data and reports
  5. Improved data quality and accuracy across internal stakeholders

Get on the path to driving a high-quality provider network with Apttus

Apttus CLM, an end-to-end contract management solution, ends the era of manual and disjointed contract processes and delivers higher-quality experiences for both your internal and external customers. Apttus CLM helps drive contract compliance at scale, reduce cycle times, improve negotiating outcomes, and reduce risk. Built in the cloud, Apttus CLM seamlessly connects with CRM and eSignature solutions to simplify your legal operations and empower all departments to do more when resources are scarce.