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WEBINAR: The ‘Dark Art’ of B2B Payments - Segmenting the $1 Trillion Solution Landscape (Spend Matters, Global Business Intelligence)
Tuesday, June 30, 2020, 10:30am - 11:30am
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In the world of procurement today, B2B payments can be considered a ‘dark art’ that’s often synonymous with finance. However, it’s seeping more into the procurement space as part of the source-to-pay (S2P) cycle and considered a major savings opportunity for organizations lacking advanced invoice processing automation and payment solutions.

In the Spend Matters article ‘Segmenting the $1 trillion B2B payments market: Our graphical take (Version 1.0!)’, Jason Busch and David Gustin offer their take on the non-bank B2B payments market as the last mile for companies on both sides of the buying and selling equation.

Now, David and Jason will go deeper into payment solutions, technologies, infrastructure and emerging opportunities to help you better understand the B2B payments market. Exploring:

- What are the non-bank B2B payment segments and how do they fit together?
- What B2B payment segments should you consider for your S2P cycle and why?
- What is leading edge tech in this space and who is driving it?