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Webinar Notes: Strategic Sourcing at the Heart of Procurement Transformation

This week I attended the Procurement Leaders / Emptoris webinar on procurement transformation featuring BP Lubricants.  They don't have the archived recording posted yet, but click here for a pag...

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Webinar Notes: The CPO of Con-way Talks Innovation, Collaboration and How to Drive Lasting Value

This week’s featured event was presented by Sourcing Interests Group and Emptoris (an IBM Company). The main speaker, Mitch Plaat, is Con-way’s VP of Procurement and CPO and has been with the company for 22 years. He has overseen quite a transformation, starting six years ago with the decision to engage Emptoris for help in the form of solutions and services.

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Webinar Notes: How to Eat An Elephant: Supply and Risk Management at ABB

This week’s featured webinar was hosted by Emptoris and Procurement Leaders, with a supplier lifecycle management (SLM) case study from The ABB Group. You can view an on demand version of the event by clicking here. ABB is a global leader in power and automation technologies that enable utility and industry customers to improve their performance while lowering environmental impact. In 2010 they had $32B in revenue. As a 120 year old organization, they were decentralized with five divisions.


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