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Business Performance Benchmarking for Sales and Procurement

This is the transcript from a recent interview with Donal Daly, CEO of Altify. To listen to the podcast on BMP Radio, click here.

Kelly: Hello, and thank you for joining us today. This is Kelly Barner, Editor at Buyers Meeting Point. Today I would like to welcome Donal Daly. Donal is the founder and CEO of Altify, a provider of enterprise sales methodology for enterprise database sales organizations. He is also the author of the Amazon #1 best seller "Account Planning in Salesforce" and the recently released "Tomorrow Today: How AI Impacts How We Work, Live, and Think.
Altify recently opened the response period for the 2017 Business Performance Benchmark Study and Buyers Meeting Point is one of a carefully chosen group of partners working to encourage participation, as well as learning from the study's results. The study, which is now open through December 21st, will examine revenue considerations, top priorities, and the metrics that we can use to gauge progress. All participants will receive a copy of the report, including results, analysis, and insights. It only takes 10 minutes to share your opinion, and I will make sure to share a participation link on today's Blog Talk Radio episode page. So, Donal, first of all, thank you so much for joining me today.
Donal: Hi Kelly. Nice to be here. Thanks for having me.

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  6644 Hits

Establishing Trust in Transformation

When working with transformation advisory clients, we often talk about the role of procurement and the need to change how they are perceived within the organization. Changing stakeholder perceptions i...

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  7309 Hits

How to Use Emotional Intelligence in Procurement and the Supply Chain

My first recommendation on Emotional Intelligence is for procurement and supply chain professionals to benchmark their own personal emotional intelligence aptitude. I used the book Emotional Intellige...

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  4073 Hits

Five Signs of a Logistics Leader

Leadership is a rare and valuable attribute that will separate a good professional from a great one. A leader will possess a unique vision and the ability to transform this into a tangible reality. Mo...

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  6878 Hits

Recommended Procurement Webinars Oct 12-16: Igniting Transformation through Touchless AP and Business Partnerships

Before I move into my event recommendations for this week, I want to look back at last week – Art of Procurement Mastermind LIVE was amazing, and it would not have been possible without the energy and...

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  3099 Hits

Is Procurement Crate Trained?

“Crate training uses a dog's natural instincts as a den animal. A wild dog's den is his home, a place to sleep, hide from danger, and raise a family. The crate becomes your dog's den, an ideal spot to snooze or take refuge during a thunderstorm.”

Humane Society

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  5302 Hits

Forget Behavior: It’s all About Mindset

In a new Art of Procurement podcast series, Philip Ideson and I will  stop each month and take a look back at the podcasts, news, and topics of the previous four weeks. You can hear the January episode here:  Leveraging Storytelling To Better Connect With Your Stakeholders.

It’s interesting how different an idea can look when you consider it in the context of other information. Most of us read a few articles and posts and listen to a podcast of two during the month. When you have to look back at them, two things quickly become apparent:

  1. Even the best ideas fade from your memory much faster than you might expect. Something you read four weeks ago will practically seem new if you read it again.
  2. The best ideas live in the space between pieces of content. When you compare, contrast and summarize, you end up with an independent point of view that is much more valuable than any one source piece.

The links to this month’s podcasts are below, but here are some of the insights I found ‘in between’…

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  8298 Hits

Recommended Webinars Nov 26-30: Instant Impact S2P and The Issue of Trust

This week, Procurement Leaders’ Data, Intelligence, and Technology Forum is taking place in London on Tuesday and Wednesday. If you are planning your webinar schedule beyond this week, I recommend ‘Achieving Agility in Procurement Operations: Beam’s Transformation Journey’ from ISM, Scout RFP, and Beam Suntory on December 11th.

A quick note as the end of the year approaches: I’m watching the event listings for December, and as of right now it looks like December 10-14 will be the last week of the year. If the week after fills in, I’m game, but if it doesn’t, I’ll stop my event recommendations posts on December 17th and pick up again on January 7th.

BTW: If you haven’t already, sign up for our mailing list to be sure you get my weekly recommendations in your Inbox each Monday.

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  5225 Hits

Recommended Procurement Webinars for September 18-22: Relationship Help, Spend Analysis, AI and Strategic Sourcing

This week, ProcureCon Indirect West is taking place in Scottsdale, AZ. Two of the keynote speakers are good friends of BMP: Jules Ryan and Joanna Martinez. Be sure not to miss their presentations! As for my recommended virtual events, click on the title of each webinar below to view the full description and register.

BTW: If you haven’t already, sign up for our mailing list to be sure you get my weekly recommendations in your Inbox each Monday.

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  7115 Hits

Best Procurement and Supply Chain Webinars 1/18-22

This week's events are all either panel or multi-speaker presentations. That means that by investing a single hour, you get to hear from multiple experts on a  topic of your choosing. Not only that, you get to hear them interact and discuss the varying perspectives brought to the table. Click on the title of each event below to view the full description in our events calendar and to connect to their registration pages.


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  6191 Hits

Best Procurement and Supply Chain Webinars 11/2 - 11/6: CLM and Analytics as the Ties That Bind

And… we’re back to a packed week of webinars. There is a little something for everyone - some risk, some contract management, and some analytics. Click on the title of each event below to view the full description in our events calendar and to connect to their registration pages.


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  5773 Hits